Thursday, 14 January 2016

Alexa Largoza - Ania - Empowerment of Young Girls

Alexa Largoza - Ania is an advocate for many charities and causes, but one of the causes she is most passionate about is the empowerment of young girls. She has donated her time and talent to teach dance to young girls at and the Boys and Girls Club of Philadelphia.

She feels that young girls are pressured to look as well as to be what they see on social media. Especially now, a.k.a. the electronic age, girls are constantly bombarded with what Madison Avenue considers as "what's in". It is important for girls to accept themselves as who they are, and to know that it is ok if you are not super thin, smart or beautiful. Each girl possesses their own special uniqueness, and should realize that they are important and they have the ability to achieve whatever they aspire to. Each girl has the right to express themselves and to be confident. For Alexa Largoza - Ania, it was the art of dance that gave her the confidence to achieve, the ability to express herself as well as to appreciate her own uniqueness. For this, she hopes that young girls would learn the same from the art of dance.

Inspire Young Children and Adults

Become a big sister or a big brother, and volunteer your time and effort. There are many organizations that help young girls and boys in your own community.

Do Your Part

If everyone who is able to assist in programs that would help improve the lives of young children and adults takes part in doing so, it will improve the lives of individuals and, in turn, the entire community.

Raise Money

There are many organizations that help to benefit the lives of young children and adults. They can only operate if they have the proper funds, and most of them are funded by donations. If you want to help, you can donate money or take up donations on behalf of the organization.

If you are looking for a way to help young children and adults, there are many ways you can help. Find a way to make a difference and encourage others to do the same.